Head Start on Housing
Head Start is not just early childhood education anymore, but can also address famiial well-being factors such as stable housing
Partnering or contracting with an outside source to provide services
Head Start is not just early childhood education anymore, but can also address famiial well-being factors such as stable housing
Addresses issues of racial and economic disparities in the child welfare system
A wraparound approach for at-risk parents with the goal of stabilizing families harmed by parental drug use
Parents and kin caregivers receive wraparound services to support kin placement and reunification from Family Resource Center
Home-based intensive family trauma therapy
Neutral, relationship-focused restorative mediation to families involved in child welfare or who are experiencing high conflict
Access to unrestricted cash and an online community to support to meet one’s personal and family goals
A multidisciplinary law office where social workers, peer advocates, and other professionals provide meaningful support to parents in addition to legal counsel and advocacy
Seven-judge pilot project in Iowa reduces number of child removals by asking social workers a series of four questions before approving a request to remove a child