• This Bright Spot has been reviewed and approved by our community of impacted parents.

Parent reviewer feedback summary

  • Parent reviewers recommended this as a powerful support to families if implemented with adequate investment and with a strong structure and framework.
  • Parent reviewers also noted the importance of respecting cultural differences and adopting an equity lens.
  • All workers must fully adhere to the concept, recognizing a community’s unique strengths and growth opportunities.
  • Organizations must show gratitude and appreciation to the parent leaders and the families they serve.

What is the intervention?

The Peer and Community Care model is a comprehensive, peer care network that can strengthen families while reducing contact with the family policing system. Rise envisions that training hundreds of parents in impacted communities to intentionally build connections with their neighbors, offer emotional support, make connections to trusted community resources and ultimately advocate to improve community resources can reduce family stress before it builds and lead to healthier, thriving families.  

What makes it a Bright Spot?

It is crucial to broadly reorganize supports for families so that accessing resources does not put parents at risk of unwanted state intervention in their families, like child removal. Rise outlines a vision where parents and community members are resource providers for each other, reducing the risk of intervention from protective services. 

What steps can you take?

Here are a few ways to bring this vision to life:

  • Imagine replacing system interventions with relationships. Relationships that respect, value, and support families without shame, blame, and coercion can better support family safety. 
  • Trust, love, and joy strengthen community connections, so build trust, love, and joy with intention. 
  • Understand that surveillance does NOT equal safety; watching families does not mean they are more protected. 
  • Keep families out of the web of the system by de-linking protective services from support to families. 
  • Nurture the roots of your trusted, community-based organizations. 
  • Train Peer Supporters and Community Supporters (Request more info from Rise by completing this Google form) 
  • Develop a resource guide by parents for parents that are informed and updated continuously. Peer care will ensure connections made by supporters are impactful. 
  • Dive into the Peer and Community Care Model below for more ways to invest in community care. 


These materials may provide additional context and information about this family-approved resource for systems change.

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